I am an avid list maker. I have a list for everything imaginable from my daily to-dos to my ultimate wardrobe wish-list. (Which would make more sense if I actually wore anything other than leggings and t-shirts on a regular basis!) But what I want to share with you today are the 3 lists to make in your journal that can help you be happier day-to-day. Use these ideas when you’re stuck in a rut.

Being productive is about how YOU feel. Every day you want to feel like you accomplished what you set out to do. It’s not about doing MORE but just getting things done to move you forward towards your goals.

Even with the best planning systems, we all have those days when we just are not able to get a lot done. Maybe you’re just feeling a bit lazy, in a bad mood, or have a wrench thrown into your plans by the outside world. Whatever the situation is, you still want feel like your whole day wasn’t a waste. You want to be happy with yourself at the end of the day.


This is where having a daily non-negotiable tasks list comes in handy. This is a list of a few simple tasks that, at a minimum if you do these things and nothing else all day, you feel like you got something done.

My list includes:

I’ve also seen this called an “every damn day list”.


Another list to make in your journal are things that you can do at any time to immediately feel a little happier. I got the inspiration for this tip from this article on Gretchen Rubin’s blog.

Having done this, I now have a great tool that I can refer back to whenever I’m feeling down or stuck in a rut. Making this list is also something you can do in those moments when you’re not feeling your best. Brainstorming things that make you happy is sure to get you in a better mood.

Often when we’re in a bad mood we don’t know what to do to break out of it. Do one, or a few, things on your happiness boosters list to immediately feel more energized.

Some ideas from my own list are:


Reflecting on things that are already going well in your life is a great way to feel happier.

There’s two ways that you can do this. The first is to have a gratitude list in your journal that you can reflect back on. Whenever you need a reminder of all the good things you have, you can simply look over this list. Another way to do this is to make a new gratitude list when you need to cheer yourself up.

But in my opinion, a combination of the two is even better. Have an ongoing gratitude list in your journal. And every time you need feel the need to reflect, look back over it AND add a few more things on to it.

Use the above tips for boosting your happiness day to day. But beyond that, also focus on discovering and living according to your passion and purpose. This is what will help you create the life that you love and ensure your long term happiness.

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