Does staying consistent with content feel like a constant struggle? I want to share with you 5 tips that are going to make creating content for social media EASY – as it should be. 

So many online entrepreneurs that I talk to who are using content marketing for their businesses struggle with how to find content ideas, how to stay consistent with their content, and how to create really great and engaging online content. But the truth is it doesn’t have to be so hard! 

So let me make this whole process super easy and actually enjoyable for you. Because, let’s face it, you didn’t start a purpose-driven online business just to struggle through it! 


Quote by Ovi of Life with Ovi on the purpose of content creation and content marketing on social media. #socialmediamarketing #contentmarketing #contentstrategy #businesscoach #contentcreator

The main mediums for creating content for social media are: video, long-form text, audio, and graphics. So when you’re choosing your primary medium, the most important consideration is “what comes naturally to you?”

You may have to experiment with different mediums in the beginning to figure out what works best for you. But really think about what you actually ENJOY doing. And also what medium of content you can most easily stay consistent with.

Remember that the primary purpose of content creation is to get your ideas out of your head and out into the world. So think about how they are the most likely to flow naturally. Once you figure this out, fully lean into it.


If you ask 5 different online business experts what the best social media strategy is, you will likely get 5 very different answers covering a host of different platforms. That can get really overwhelming real quick.

Especially in the beginning, and especially if you’re a solopreneur, it is so important to manage your energy and focus. So choose one or two platforms to really focus on to create your content.

The two aspects you need to account for are Rich Content – your long form content pieces – and your Social Content – the content that helps you build relationships with your audience. Both are equally important for growing your brand and business. Depending on the platforms you choose, you may be able to leverage the same platform for both types of content.

The main things to consider when you choose your platform are:


Fully committing to coming from a place of service is one of the easiest ways to make content creation effortless. As you build relationships with your audience, ask them what content they want to see from you. Keep the focus on delivering what your ideal client needs from you. 

In order to be of service, your own clarity is key. Get clear on your purpose, the vision for what you’re trying to create through your business, and who you’re trying to serve through your content and business. Whenever you’re creating content for social media, focus on these aspects.


We all have off days, and it’s not easy to be in the creative energy all of the time. So whenever you are actually feeling inspired, spend some time brainstorming content ideas. Keep a running list of content ideas for your rich content so that you can always stay consistent.

Now, after you’ve had one of those brainstorming sessions, It can be really tempting to create the best content pieces right away. This is great! Good ideas need to be acted upon quickly. However, another top tip is to hold on to 1-2 of your favorite content ideas for those days when you just aren’t feeling it. If you have an idea for an evergreen (always relevant) piece of content that you can get excited about even when you’re not in the most creative mood, consider holding on to it for when you need a backup.


The biggest key to avoiding the overwhelm of content creation is to repurpose your content. You do not need to come up with brand new content for every social media platform every day or every week. 

Each piece of rich content that you create in your main medium for your core platform can be turned into additional content.

For example, every blog post you see on this site is repurposed from my YouTube or IGTV videos. I also take parts of these blogs and turn them into captions on Instagram and Facebook. 

There are so many ways that you can repurpose content, so get creative.


If you do expand into additional social media platforms other than your main two, make them only supplementary to grow your visibility. Post your re-purposed content onto these other platforms, but always drive traffic to your rich content platform or social platform. This way you leverage all the resources that are available to you without splitting your focus and energy. Use it as a way to get your brand in front of new audiences but don’t spread yourself thin.

Share this article with a friend who could also use these tips to keep up with their content game. Join me on Instagram for more daily tips and to see in action how I do some of my content re-purposing.

5 tips for creating social media content with ease, how to make content creation fun and enjoyable, how to create consistent content, how to create engaging content. Purpose and Business Coach for women giving advice on building a purpose-driven online business. #socialmediamarketing #contentcreation #businesstips #contentmarketing

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